Committees, Awards, Activities:

Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada

Standing committees

●     Membership Committee

●     Service & Advocacy Committee

o     Current focus: Climate Justice

●     Finance Committee

●     Nominating Committee 2024-2025-2026

●     Public Relations & Communications Committee

o     Activities: Social media; awards and event promotion; Zontacler; Archives (City of Ottawa)

●     Fundraising Committee

o     Activities: Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa Little Theatre, other TBD

●     Awards Committee*

o   Jean M Coon (Humanitarian) Award
o   Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award    (prev. YWPA)
o   Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award   (prev. Jane M Klausman)

*Official Sponsors:  Merivale Vision Care & Wellington Vision Care  03262025

o   Zonta Women in STEM Award
o   Mature University Student Bursary <> Paused 2024-25
o   Theatre Arts Award
o   New Immigrant Women Award
* The restructuring of the awards and bursaries committees as indicated is pending the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Awards and Bursaries Review Committee and decisions made based on those recommendations
** The pre-selection work on these committees is primarily completed by the chair, with the duty of selection being done by the committee as a whole.

Ad hoc committees

●     Awards Review Committee

●     Organizational Development Committee

Committees of the whole

●     UN, International, & Intercity

●       Parliamentarian

o     Activities: drafting updates for by-laws and policies
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