Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women
In 2012, Zonta International launched “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women,” a global campaign to raise awareness of and increase advocacy actions to end violence against women and girls around the world.
Every year, during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence (25 November – 10 December), Zonta clubs and Zontians around the world take action and advocate to end gender-based violence in all its forms.
Zonta International not only advocates for women’s human rights and gender equality in all facets of life, we also partner with UN agencies like UNFPA, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and UN Women to financially support projects to empower women and girls to understand their rights and realize their full potential.
These projects are part of the International Service Program (ISP) and Zonta International Strategies to End Violence Against Women (ZISVAW) Program and are voted on at the International Convention every two years.
Projects have focused on issues such as:
• Health
• Education
• Equality and human rights
• Economic empowerment
• Gender-based violence
• Child marriage
• Human trafficking
• Burns violence
• Safe cities
• And much more, see http://www.zonta.org