About Us

Members of Zonta are individuals who are willing to support the objectives of Zonta. Chartered in 1930, the Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada has been a member of Zonta International for over 90 years.  ZC of Ottawa, Ontario Charter Certificate

Zonta International is a leading global service and advocacy organization with more than 27,000 members worldwide. Founded in 1919 and named for a Native American Sioux word that means “honest and trustworthy,” Zonta is made up of executives and professionals who work together to empower and assist women locally and internationally.  The Story of the Zonta Emblem

While Zonta is active in 64 countries, our 1,133 Zonta clubs are not divided by country. Rather, our members work in geographic regions that transcend national and provincial borders. For example, Zonta Club of Ottawa Canada is part of Zonta District 2, that includes clubs in Montreal and many parts of New York State. This global structure enhances the truly international nature and scope of our mission and mandate.  https://www.zontadistrict2.org/

Zonta Quick Guide


Zonta International is a leading global organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls.


Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.

In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.

In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.

You, can impact the lives of women & girls locally & globally.




Through The Chateau Door:

(A History of the Zonta Club of Ottawa,  1929 – 1989)

Written by: Valerie J. Knowles
Cover Design:  Paula Zoubek




Empowering Women:

Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada   1929 – 2019

Written by:   Valerie J. Knowles

Cover Design:  Paula Zoubek



Welcome to Zonta International

You are now part of a global network of professionals, like you, who are committed to equal rights and a life free of violence for all women and girls. Thank you for joining us!      https://www.zonta.org/

Zonta International’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

Since 1919, Zonta has been working to create a more equitable future for women and girls. We believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive global community is a powerful platform to bring about the social change needed to make our vision for gender equality a reality. As a global organization, Zonta International values the contributions of members of all backgrounds, regardless of age, ethnicity, race, color, ability, religion, socio-economic status, culture, sexual orientation or gender identity. We believe that a diverse community of members is essential to our ability to achieve our mission to create a more equitable future.

We strive to be an organization where everyone feels empowered to be their full authentic selves. We celebrate multiple approaches and points of view and know that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a stronger and more creative environment to better serve our members and achieve our mission for gender equality. We welcome differences and strive to ensure that all voices are valued and heard. While we have more work to do, we are committed to the values of diversity and inclusion across all Zonta International activities and initiatives.

Changing the World for Women

Zonta International holds General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and Participatory Status with the Council of Europe. Zonta teams engage in these important intergovernmental organizations and in important events and campaigns to further our global advocacy efforts and our mission to build a better world for women and girls.

Decision-making in Zonta

Zonta International follows democratic procedures and values the participation of its members in the decision-making process at all levels.


Zonta advocacy is action taken in “the public interest” or for “the greater good” with respect to empowering women and girls and promoting and protecting their human rights.

Zonta International advocates primarily through its General Consultative Status with ECOSOC at the United Nations (UN) and its Participatory Status at the Council of Europe (CoE). Zonta International has been affiliated with the UN since 1969 and has been represented in the CoE since 1983. Through these relationships, Zonta uses its strong voice to present our priorities and demand focused action when advocating for gender equality and women’s human rights worldwide.

Zonta International, districts, areas and clubs draft letters and send petitions to national governments to initiate or influence hearings and legislation on issues affecting women and girls.

Zonta clubs monitor laws and policies and their impact on women, participate in hearings and public meetings with local politicians and administrators and host speakers and panels to raise awareness about issues affecting women at the local level.

Zonta International is nonpartisan and nonsectarian.

Zonta – political, not partisan

Zonta - Political? Partisan? Find Out Here!

People often confuse being nonpartisan with being nonpolitical. Advocacy requires engaging with political systems and the individuals elected or appointed to serve in those systems. To be nonpartisan means that, when engaging in advocacy, you are not aligning that advocacy with one political party. This short video from the Zonta USA Caucus helps explain the difference.

Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women

In 2012, Zonta International launched “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women,” a global campaign to raise awareness of and increase advocacy actions to end violence against women and girls around the world.

Every year, during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence (25 November – 10 December), Zonta clubs and Zontians around the world take action and advocate to end gender-based violence in all its forms.


Zonta International not only advocates for women’s human rights and gender equality in all facets of life, we also partner with UN agencies like UNFPA, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and UN Women to financially support projects to empower women and girls to understand their rights and realize their full potential.

These projects are part of the International Service Program (ISP) and Zonta International Strategies to End Violence Against Women (ZISVAW) Program and are voted on at the International Convention every two years.

Projects have focused on issues such as:
• Health
• Education
• Equality and human rights
• Economic empowerment
• Gender-based violence
• Child marriage
• Human trafficking
• Burns violence
• Safe cities
• And much more, see http://www.zonta.org

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