ZCO CA Presidents 1929-2026

Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada

Celebrating our Presidents

Through 95 Years  1929-2024

Official Anniversary February 1, 2025

Past Presidents Past Presidents
Thelma Williams 1929-30 Lynda Pearson 1975-77
Mina Cairns 1930-32 Eileen Mitchell Thomas 1977-79
Jean Robson 1932-34 Roberta Pollock 1979-81
Bertha Cowan 1934-36 Margaret Pope 1981-83
Isabel Jeffrey 1936-37 Jean Steckle 1983-84
Isabel Percival 1937-39 Roberta Pollock 1984-85
Ida Cumming 1929-40 Vera Lee Watson 1986-88
Bess Baron 1940-41 Rebecca McDermot 1987-88
Miriam Burland 1941-42 Elizabeth Gibbs 1988-90
Marion Foran 1942-43 Wilda Phillips 1990-92
Jean Foster 1943-44 Valerie Hume 1992-94
Joy Maines 1944-45 Killi Kauppinen 1994-96
Laura Pepper 1945-47 Lise Lavoie 1996-98
Mora Guthrie 1947-48 Georgette Houle 1998-2000
Bliss Pugsley 1948-49 Annegret Uhthoff 2000-2002
Mary Harrison 1949-51 Jane Buchan 2002-2004
Marjorie Robertson 1951-52 Elizabeth Gibbs 2004-2006
Rhoda Wallace 1952-54 Co-Presidents: E.Gibbs & S. Smith 2006-2009
Evelyn Mackintosh 1954-55 Susan Smith 2009-2012
Honor Coldrey 1955-57 Prem Grainger 2012-2016
Isabel Winkler 1957-59 Helen Ofuso Jun-Aug 2016
Gladys Godfrey 1959-61 Valerie Hume Sep/16-Feb/17
Penny Silver 1961-63 Susan Smith Mar–Jun 2017
Phyllis Trotter 1963-65 Valerie Hume 2017-2018
Dorothy Cadwell 1965-67 Cynthia O’Neil 2018-2020
Jean Craig 1967-69 CJ Blake 2020-2022
Ruth Cairns 1969-71 Kirsten North 2022-2024
Maureen Roberts 1971-73 Renuka Gamage 2024-2026
Rebecca McDermot 1973-75

Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada

Empowering Women and Girls through Service and Advocacy Since 1929

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