Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada ‘Annual Amelia Earhart Day Breakfast’
Date & Time: Sat., 14 Jan. 2023, 10:00 AM EST – Location: Online – approx. 2 hours
Registration/Tickets: Free
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ annual-amelia-earhart-day- breakfast-tickets-501359508787
Join Zonta Club of Ottawa, Canada Members at our annual celebration breakfast
in the memory of Amelia Earhart, who was a Zontian!
Special guest is Robin Hadfield (International President of The Ninety-Nines).
Learn more about her here: https://www.ninety-nines.org/presidents-message.htm
1-31 January 2023
Each January, Zonta International celebrates the spirit and impact of legendary pilot Amelia Earhart, one of our most famous former members.
11 January 2023
On this day, we commemorate the records Amelia Earhart broke 88 years ago when she embarked on a 2,408-mile trip from Honolulu, Hawaii to Oakland, California, making her the first person to fly solo to the United States mainland from Hawaii and the first person to fly across both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.